On this page you can find a location map as well as a list of places and services available around Thilak Garden: Hotels, restaurants, sports facilities, educational centers, ATMs, supermarkets, gas stations and more.
Services near Thilak Garden Please click on the checkbox to the left of the service name to show in the map the location of the selected services.
Shopping Shoes - 152m - Poorwarama Road Bookstore - 426mSarasavi Stationery - Sarasavi Book shop Samudradevi Road Nugegoda WP Clothes shop - 139m - Poorwarama Road Computers shop - 384mLaps for less Ethul Kotte Jayawardhanapura Kotte Alcohol - 395mRoyal Wine Stores Nugegoda, 165 B 120 Furniture - 330mSandella Indonesian Teak Furniture Nawala Road, 20 Phone: +94 11 2809015;+94 11 2814722 Furniture - 337mLittle Bees Kids' Furniture Nawala Road, 24 Phone: +94 11 2814440 Opening hours: Mo-Sa 09:30-18:00; Su 09:30-15:00 Hardware Store - 327mLanco Enterprises Nawala Road, 18 Nugegoda Hairdresser - 435m4ever Mahasen Road Electronics - 455mDinapala Group Prstag Nawala Road, 40 Nugegoda Shop - 361mMackply Industries (Pvt) Ltd Nawala Road, 30 Nugegoda cosmetics shop - 345mSalon orange plus nugegoda Stanley Thilakarathne Mawatha Car shop - 637mSunwin Motor Traders Pagoda Road Nugegoda Butchery - 285m - Old Kesbawa Road Butchery - 389mD&J Mini-Mart & Meat Shop Chappel Lane, 1 Phone: +94 71 6751831;+94 11 2825277;+94 77 7512186 Email: dtkrswdj@sltnet.lk hifi shop - 213mSinger Mega Nawala Road Nugegoda Supermarket - 153mCargills Stanley Thilakarathne Mawatha Nugegoda Supermarket - 236mNugegoda Supermarket Old Kesbawa Road Nugegoda photo shop - 146mMillers (pvt) Ltd Stanley Thilakarathne Mawatha photo shop - 154mPerfect Digital Colour Lab Stanley Thilakarathne Mawatha Opening hours: Mo-Su 09:00-18:00 Mobile Phones - 173mMobile Phone Repair Center Nugegoda, 2f Jayawardhanapura Kotte Mobile Phones - 209mCellMe Nawala Road, 2B Jayawardhanapura Kotte Mobile Phones - 192mI Mobiles Nawala Road, 06 Nugegoda Confectionery - 189mDavid Gram Stores- Nugegoda Nawala Road, 2f Nugegoda Confectionery - 214mBombay Sweet Mart Stanley Thilakarathne Mawatha Nugegoda Convenience shop - 193mGunasekara Stores Stanley Thilakarathne Mawatha Nugegoda Jewelry - 180mShangi Jewellery Nawala Road, 2f Jayawardhanapura KotteOther fixme - 454mRoyal Institute Chapel Road office-financial - 384mSiyapatha Finance PLC Nugegoda, 165 B 120 Jayawardhanapura Kotte office-telecommunication - 310mDialog Nugegoda Service Centre Ethul Kotte-Mirihana-Kohuwala Rd, 84 Nugegoda office-telecommunication - 368mLanka Bell Nugegoda, 165 B 120 Jayawardhanapura Kotte shop-video_games - 353mMAze Gaming Arena Nugegoda, 165 B 120 Nugegoda shop-nutrition_supplements - 324mSupplement Shop - Sri Lanka Stanley Thilakarathne Mawatha, 177D Nugegoda shop-building_materials_Store - 303mCity Timber Hall Ltd City Building Two, 165B 120 Jayawardhanapura Kotte shop-building_materials_Store - 318mNew Dodampe (Pvt) Ltd Nawala Road, 16 Nugegoda office-company - 345mGlobal System Solutions International (pvt) Ltd. Stanley Thilakarathne Mawatha, 104 office-company - 346mHiriketiya Taxi School Lane, 92 Nugegoda office-yes - 406mSiyapatha finance Pagoda Road, 197 Nugegoda shop-Home_Improvement_Store - 295mTimes Living Nawala Road, 18 B 307 Jayawardhanapura Kotte office-it - 588mSarasa Soft Solutions Pagoda Road, 19/2 Nugegoda diplomatic offices - 297mAustralian Migration Centre Stanley Thilakarathne Mawatha, 12/1/2 Nugegoda shop-shoe_repair - 417mShoe Master Chappel Lane, 1 Phone: +94 71 3665651 shop-juice - 239mDilly's Juice Bar Stanley Thilakarathne Mawatha, 159 Jayawardhanapura Kotte Connected streets List of streets and squares connected with
Thilak Garden